Sheedy Excellence in Teaching Award - Eric Sims, Department Chair, University of Notre Dame


Location: Raclin Murphy Museum (View on map )

Eric Sims, Professor and Department Chair; Michael P. Grace II Collegiate Chair

The December College of Arts and Letters faculty meeting—to which faculty and staff are invited—will take place on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, from 3:30-4:15 pm in the new Raclin Murphy Museum of Art. It will be a special occasion as we will use this opportunity to celebrate this year's Sheedy Excellence in Teaching Award winner: Eric Sims


Michael P. Grace II Collegiate Chair

Department Chairperson
Department of Economics

Last year’s winner, Professor John Duffy, from the Department of English, will introduce Eric who will then offer a reflection on teaching. This event is one of the high points of the year in the College—as evidenced by the quality of Sheedy award addresses. We hope you can attend, not only to congratulate Eric but also to reflect upon our common educational task.

Immediately following the meeting, from 4:15-5:45 pm, there will be a Christmas-Holiday reception, to which all Arts and Letters faculty and staff members are invited.