2006 Departmental Award Winners

Author: Economics News

Lawrence J. Lewis Award

The Lawrence J. Lewis Award is named in honor of Lawrence J. Lewis, a successful businessman and very active community volunteer whose first retirement project was to enroll at Notre Dame and receive his undergraduate degree at age 67 in 1983. The award is given to the graduating economic major who has best distinguished himself/herself in community service. The 2006 award winner is Leah Cogswell.

John Sheehan Award

The John Sheehan Award is named in honor of Professor John Sheehan, former chair of the Economics Department. This award is given to the graduating economics major who writes the best senior honors essay. The 2006 winner of this award is Colin Taylor for his essay “Producing Education in South Bend: The Potential Effects of Redistricting and Restructuring on Outcomes.” Professor Jennifer Warlick was the director.

Weber Award

The Weber Award is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Weber, University Benefactors from San Francisco, CA. The award is given to the graduating economics major with the highest academic average. The 2006 winner of this award is Christopher Gehring.

The formal presentation of the awards, which includes a certificate and an honorarium, will take place at the Economic Faculty Reception for Graduating Majors on Friday May 19, 2006 in the Notre Dame Room of the Morris Inn at approximately 5 p.m. The award winners will also be recognized at the College of Arts and Letters Honors Convocation. Finally, the names of the award winners will be included among other award winners in the official Notre Dame Commencement Bulletin.