2009 Student Awards

Author: Economics News

Lawrence J. Lewis Award

The Lawrence J. Lewis Award is named in honor of Lawrence J. Lewis, a successful businessman and very active community volunteer whose first retirement project was to enroll at Notre Dame and receive his undergraduate degree at age 67 in 1983. The award is given to the graduating economic major who has best distinguished himself/herself in community service. The 2009 winner of this award is Nicholas Krafft.

John Sheehan Award

The second award is the John Sheehan Award, named in honor of Professor John Sheehan, former chair of the Economics Department. This award is given to the graduating economics major who writes the best senior honors essay. This year the winner is Thomas Foote for his essay “Economic Integration in Africa: Effectiveness of Regional Agreements.” Tom’s essay was co-directed by Professor Jeffery Bergstrand and Richard Jensen.

Weber Award

The third award is the Weber Award is named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Weber, University Benefactors from Fairfield Connecticut. The award is given to the graduating economics major with the highest academic average. The 2009 winner of this award is Harrison Chilton.


Econ Majors Published in Journal of Undergraduate Research 2007-2008

Claire Smither and Ben Clarke The Chaos Factor: A Study of Student Mobility in Indiana