A letter from the chair

Author: William Evans

Bill Evans preferred William Evans

Economics faculty members spend a considerable amount of their time engaged in research, so when we profile scholars such as Joe Kaboski or our new hires as we do in this newsletter, it is natural that we concentrate on their academic accomplishments.

Our classes provide students with a strong foundation in economic modeling and statistics, and the curriculum is designed to provide students with the tools to be active researchers. One of the more exciting aspects of our job is watching as our undergraduates display skill in, and enthusiasm for, research.

This newsletter includes three stories about how our undergraduates are actively engaged in knowledge creation both while on campus and when they enter the workforce. Profiles of Claire O’Donnell ’16 and Danny Fitzgerald ’17 illustrate their research activities as undergraduates while another story introduces us to Greg Duffy ’15, now an employee at Pandora, who uses his economics training for research on a daily basis.

We are very proud of our undergrads, and these stories give you a nice introduction to these talented students and a small peak at what they do on a daily basis in our department.

Two final notes. First, last fall, our department launched a redesigned website. Please visit economics.nd.edu for the latest updates about out department, undergraduates, and graduate students. Second, our department is moving to the new Nanovic Hall on the south end of campus sometime in June. The department is very excited about the move. The new space will allow the department faculty, staff, graduate students, and the Wilson Sheehan Lab for Economic Opportunities to be on the same floor in this beautiful new structure.

From Notre Dame Avenue, you can watch construction workers drywalling the offices, so this is becoming quite real. We will have an open house for our new space sometime in the fall – we will keep you posted. We look forward to greeting you in our new space.

William Evans
Chair and Keough-Hesburgh Professor, Department of Economics