Betsy Bohlen ’90 on the Importance of the Liberal Arts and Catholic Leadership

Author: Todd Boruff

“When I came to Notre Dame, I had a sense that I wanted to have a business career, and I chose a liberal arts degree because I wanted a broader education,” said Betsy Bohlen ’90.

Bohlen was named the first-ever chief operating officer of the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2015, after serving as chief financial officer and in other senior advisory roles for several years. Previously, she was a partner at McKinsey & Company, a management consulting firm, where she worked for 16 years.

An economics major, Bohlen felt her liberal arts education “opened up the world” to her in terms of different disciplines and understandings. In addition, she appreciates the ways her Arts and Letters experience prepared her for the professional world.

“It provided a set of skills around critical thinking and communications and writing that I found helpful throughout my career,” she said. “It actually gave me much more flexibility … to be able to pursue different routes over time—that, I think, has been important.”

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Originally published by Todd Boruff at on October 15, 2015.