Graduate Alumni Highlight: Eva Van Leemput, Ph.D. 2015, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Author: Marie Revak

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Eva Van Leemput, Ph.D. 2015 

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 

I graduated from Notre Dame in 2015 and I am currently a principal economist in the International Finance Division at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, where I am part of the Emerging Market Economies (EME) section.

Within the EME section, I cover the Chinese economy. Specifically, I work on forecasting China’s macroeconomic outcomes including GDP and inflation and assessing the spillovers from China to the global economy. I also do research on a number of topics including studying the macroeconomic effects of the 2018–2019 tariff increases between China and the United States, quantifying China’s contribution to the global economic cycle over the past decades, and assessing internal barriers to trade in India.  

The Ph.D. program at Notre Dame has been invaluable in my development as an economist. The rigorous curriculum of the program and the fantastic mentorship of its faculty have given me the tools I need for my current job. In addition, the amazing support I received from the faculty during the job market, especially from my advisor Joe Kaboski, is a major reason I found my job at the Board of Governors.