College of Arts and Letters Announces New Concentration in Financial Economics and Econometrics

Author: Carrie Gates

Financial economics

In fall 2014, Notre Dame’s College of Arts and Letters will launch a new concentration in financial economics and econometrics. The concentration offers undergraduates fast-paced, rigorous training to prepare them for careers in investment management, banking, research, and policymaking.

“We’ve been delighted by the growing student interest in economics, and the strong response to our new international economics major and the business economics minor open to all Arts and Letters students,” says John McGreevy, I.A. O’Shaughnessy Dean of the College of Arts and Letters. “The financial economics and econometrics concentration offers yet another terrific option for students with these interests.”

The selective program will be open to sophomores in the College of Arts and Letters majoring in economics or international economics. Admission decisions for this fall will be made by March 31, 2014 and will be based on students’ overall GPA, performance in prior economics courses, and mathematical background.

“This concentration will provide students not only a thorough understanding of financial institutions and instruments, but also rigorous analytical and econometric training in financial markets that is currently available at only a handful of the top 20 universities,” says Richard Jensen, Gilbert F. Schaefer Professor of Economics and chair of the department.

As highlighted by the great recession of 2008, financial markets are fundamental to the functioning of the macro economy, says Timothy Fuerst, The William and Dorothy O’Neill Professor of Economics. “This new concentration will expand our majors’ understanding of these markets and the pricing of financial assets.

“By including a course in financial econometrics, it will also substantially increase the quantitative skills of our majors,” he adds. “We expect the concentration to be particularly attractive to students interested in finance careers within the private sector, central banks, and regulatory agencies.”

In addition to the core requirements of the economics or international economics major, students pursuing the concentration will complete five additional classes, including a required set of three newly created core courses—Financial Economics, Asset Pricing, and Financial Econometrics—and two finance-related electives. These courses will fulfill the elective requirements of the economics or international economics major.

The program will also incorporate out-of-classroom enrichment opportunities, including presentations by researchers and practitioners outside the University. These events will complement the coursework by offering students insight into the world of finance and policymaking, as well as opportunities for networking and career advancement.

More information on the concentration in financial economics and econometrics can be found at

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Originally published by Carrie Gates at on March 14, 2014.