Video: The Economy Now

Author: Arts and Letters


"The Economy Now"

Watch this fall 2012 roundtable discussion with expert economists from the Notre Dame faculty presented by the Department of Economics in the College of Arts and Letters. An audience Q & A follows the discussion.


Christopher Waller, Professor of Economics, Senior Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Michael Pries, associate professor of economics and director of graduate studies, on the U.S. labor market, unemployment, and skills mismatch (starts at 4:46); 

Nelson Mark, Alfred C. DeCrane, Jr. Professor of International Economics, on the slowdown of India and China (starts at 11:12);  

Kasey Buckles, assistant professor of economics, on the state of healthcare in the United States and impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare (starts at 17:56); and

Timothy Fuerst, William and Dorothy O'Neill Professor of Economics, on the federal reserve, interest rate policy, and balance sheet expansion (starts at 23:46). 

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